The Conversation We're Not—But Should Be—Having About Sexual Health & Cancer
What people impacted by breast and GYN cancer need to know about reclaiming their sexual health, from side effects to solutions
What people impacted by breast and GYN cancer need to know about reclaiming their sexual health, from side effects to solutions
Physical therapists Dr. Alex Hill and Dr. Kristin Sapienza share why physical therapy is a must for all people impacted by gynecologic cancers, symptoms to be on the lookout for, and how pelvic floor therapy can help center quality of life
Researchers and physicians share different paths that patients and non-patients alike can take to become engaged in cancer research
Leslie Howard and Amy Wilkins bring you behind the curtain to understand the Women’s Health and Cancer Rights Act, how insurance should (but doesn’t always) cover breast reconstruction, and why patients need to advocate for the care they deserve.
Carboplatin and Cisplatin have been in short supply since early 2023. What can you do about it?
What those impacted by breast cancer need to know right now about free flap breast reconstructions, medical coding and insurance, and how patients can advocate for their right to choose.
What is cannabis, why might you want to use it during cancer-related treatments and recovery, and how do fellow Breasties use cannabis as a part of their post-treatment routines?